Thursday 14 April 2016

Crowdsourcing for Customer Satisfaction

Your business is already established. You have a solid following, and a successful product. You’re ready to grow, but unsure of the direction. It’s time to let the crowd step in. Utilizing crowdsourcing is an inexpensive yet effective way of guiding growth. It is also an excellent way to bolster customer relations. Asking for your customers’ input shows that you value their opinion, and following through shows your commitment.
Who knows your brand better than your customers? Through crowdsourcing, you can establish a forum for the crowd to directly share their thoughts on your product with you. Creating this forum gives you the chance to guide the conversation, and keep it relevant. Social media and customer support lines can only provide the information that customers choose to share with you. Through crowdsourcing you can put forward the questions that you want answered. Your crowd can provide you with ideas for new products, bring to light problems with current products, and weigh in on potential products before you sink your resources into production. When you put out products that customers have already pre-approved, or even specially requested, it serves as a reward for the crowd’s efforts. This shows them just how in-tune you are to innovation, crowdsourcing, and the happiness of your customers.
Participating in the process through crowdsourcing improves customer satisfaction. Showing customers that you value their opinions will make them more dedicated to your brand. When customers see the results of the crowdsourced conversation come to life, they’ll be more eager to share their input in the future. Use your crowdsourcing campaign as a way to educate the public about your brand. Even impossible idea suggestions can be an opportunity for transparency, and strengthening your relationship with customers. Not only will this make them more likely to add more to the discussion within your crowdsourcing community, but out in the real world, too. And when they spread the word about your brand, they’ll do so as educated, satisfied participants.

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